animated programming character

Hi, I'm Samuel Oso

A Creative FULL-STACK DEVELOPER based in Nigeria.

I'm passionate about creating thoughtful and innovative web experiences that make a lasting impact, using a diverse range of tools and technologies.

About Me

Hey there! I'm Sammy Oso, a highly motivated graduate of Ekiti State University with a Bachelor's Degree in History and International Studies. I possess a strong passion for web development, and have honed my skills in creating exceptional digital experiences. Diving into web development has been one of the best decisions I've ever made. I used to think that coding and understanding different programming languages would be tough, but when I started learning and writing code, it felt like magic! Bringing ideas to life in the digital world is truly amazing!

Throughout my journey, I have gained extensive knowledge in web development, leveraging a diverse range of programming languages and tools. I am adept at combining my keen eye for design with my problem-solving abilities to craft visually appealing and functional websites which are essential skills in web development. I'm always up for new challenges and staying up-to-date with the latest web trends. And of course, taking a break with a good cup of coffee is always a great idea!

I'm excited to be a part of your journey and help you take your web projects to the next level. Let's create some amazing digital experiences together!


html logo css logo javaSctript logo react logo node.js logo bootstarps logo SQl logo postgreSQL logo API logo git logo

My Services

Front-end Development

I specialize in developing websites from scratch and creating visually appealing user interfaces using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, and React.js. My expertise includes ensuring responsive layouts that adapt seamlessly to different devices.

Back-end Development

I have strong focus on building the server-side components of websites using languages like "Python Java, and Node.js to handle data, manage databases, and implement server-side logic. It's all about making sure the website runs smoothly behind the scenes.

Database Management

I have the ability to design and manage databases, ensuring efficient storage and retrieval of data. This includes working with database systems like MySQL and PostgreSQL.

API Development

I specialize in creating Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) that facilitate communication and data exchange between different software systems. This enables seamless integration of various services and functionalities.

Deployment and Maintenance

I have extensive experience in deploying websites to servers or cloud platforms, ensuring their accessibility to users. Additionally, I provide ongoing maintenance and support to keep the websites running smoothly.

My Projects

TinDog Page

Hover on this image to learn more.

tindog photo

Mondrian Painting

Hover on this image to learn more.

tindog photo

Animated Login

Hover on this image to learn more.

tindog photo

Tech Retail Web

Hover on this image to learn more.

Tech retail web photo

My Portfolio

Hover on this image to learn more.

portfolio photo

Get in Touch with Me

Let's turn ideas into reality together.